Nadi Chapters

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Nadi Chapters


General Chapter :

To be found through the thumb impression(right hand-gents,left hand ladies)of the seeker. The general Chapter contains the complete graph of the general predictions right from the seeker’s birth up to the death. It is important and also essential to seek the guidance from the general chapter first, before going into the further detailed chapters. The general chapter deals with the person's Mother, Properties, Vehicles, Houses, Agriculture, Fortune, Enjoyments and comforts in life.and the total gist of future predictions for all the 12 houses in their horoscopes are seen in the general chapter.

Second Chapter :

Find out if your partnership will go all the way.Money Eyes, Family, Education, Speech, Fortune Stones, Days and colors.

Third Chapter :

Number of brothers and sisters; relationships with brothers and sisters, help from siblings, ill feeling in between self and siblings, the wellness and welfare of siblings, the gains to-and-from the siblings, seeker’s courage and valor, etc.

Fourth Chapter :

Details about the mother, details about the seekers’ body as well as wellness, land, house, vehicles, pleasures and luxuries in life, the prospects of success, etc.

Fifth Chapter :

The birth and upbringing of children, the good and bad caused by the children, the future of children, the strength of seekers’ good deeds in the previous lives, the leadership, etc. Children, their birth, death and reason for not having children, adoption and remedial measures for having children, future lives of children.

Sixth Chapter :

The pursuit of life, debts, enemies, court cases, diseases, nuisances, embarrassments and the mental anguishes caused by them; and the remedial measures and procedures to avoid or remove such negative effects, etc.

Seventh Chapter :

Details about the seekers’ marriage, the age & period for the marriage, the general characteristics and the details of the future spouse, the directions where-from the spouse shall be and the distance, the possible names and the horoscope details of the future spouse, the pros and cons of the marriage, the resources for living, future life with the spouse, the reasons for delayed marriage, the details about life partner, living in relationship, etc.

Eighth Chapter :

The extensive and unambiguous information such as the longevity (life duration) of the seeker, the chances of danger to life, accidents, diseases, the seekers’ age, the day-month-year, the time and the presiding nakshatra when the seekers’ death shall take place, the place of death. etc.

Ninth Chapter :

The predictions regarding the seekers’ father, his health, seekers’ wealth, luck and chances in life, visits to various temples, the spiritual guidance from the Guru, the service of God, the dharmik duties, the community leadership, the gains and benefits from the Government, preaching through holy men, charitable deeds etc.

Tenth Chapter :

The seeker’s career, job, business or profession, employment, success and failure in work life, change of place details, general public services, deeds, benefits, seekers’ employees, seekers’ authorities and powers in work life, the gain or the loss of influence and superiority in seekers’ work life, overall career guidance etc.

Eleventh Chapter :

Profits and losses in job / profession / business, the details about how they’ll occur, the second marriage, the pros and cons of the second marriage, seekers’ public contacts, secret relationships, overall success in life, superiority in society, etc.

Twelth Chapter :

The expenses, the causes for expenses to occur, the nature of seekers’ living, travels and visits in the foreign lands, the pros and cons of travels and isits in foreign lands, the contacts in Governments, next birth, and attainment of salvation etc.

Special Chapters

The information such as seekers’ previous births, the details of general good deeds and ill-deeds done by the seeker in previous births, the details of the since committed in the previous births, the details of the curses invited due to the sins of past births, the procedures to remove such curses, the severances and remedies to rectify past life sins, the individual ways of worshipping, etc.