Before you would have to travel to India, specifically a small ‘Temple Town’ in the south in order to take advantage of Nadi. Now, we make this Divine Wonder of the World accessible and available to you through your computer, your landline telephone or your mobile phone.
You can Search for and Find Your Nadi Leaf, have it read and experience profound shifts in your destiny from anywhere in the world.
The Reading part of the Nadi process is both the Identification stage and Translation stage. The Nadi Readers are in India so most likely you’ll experience this through Skype. However, if someone wants to come to India for an In-Person Reading, that can be done too. There is no difference at all. It is up to your preference and/or convenience. This phase is very important as it identifies your leaf. The Nadi Reader looks for key elements to match such as the sounds of your name and the names of your parents and verification of certain astrological details at your birth. The Nadi reader will ask many questions, your answers should be yes or no, yes or no. You should not say, if he asks do you have three brothers, no I have four brothers. You should not say that. Or you should not even say that you have no brother. Never ever volunteer any information. Only give “yes” or “no”. “Yes” or “no” and that is all. The Identification stage of your Nadi Reading is over once your leaf has been identified using the keys and then begins the process of translating your leaf.
After your ‘Index Leaf’ has been identified the Nadi Reader goes through the information that is arranged in ‘Chapters’ or sections pertaining to different areas of your life. First the reader must translate the ancient form of prosaic Tamil from the leaf into modern day Tamil before he can transcribe all of those details into a “Book of Poetry”.
You will then be scheduled a time for the translation over skype or phone. The Nadi Reader and a translator will give a direct explanation of what gets written in the poetry book; the Nadi Reader speaking in modern day Tamil and the translator speaking to you in English. This stage is what is most often referred to as the Nadi ‘Reading’. You can ask questions and get clarification during this process. The Reading includes the Remedy Prescription (Please note that the price for performance of the remedies is not included in the Nadi Essential Package) This part of the Reading will be recorded and made available to you in your AstroVed order log in MP3 format.
1.Search Process Stage
First you are required to give an impression of your thumb print; for females the left thumb and for males the right. From your thumb impression the Nadi Reader then can categorize your ‘Nadi bundle’ and hone in further on your individual leaf.
This can be done with a scan sent to us via fax, email or via your mobile phone. You will get simple instructions after you order your Nadi Program. Once the Readers are okay with the quality of your scan, they set to work picking out your bundle of possible leaves. After that, you will be scheduled for a ‘Reading’ or Leaf Identification.